This is only my second year hunting with a crossbow and my biggest kill yet! I passed up on a smaller buck seconds before this guy came out!
Tyson Phillips
This dandy came chasing a doe in with his nose down, he came up as close as 20 yards on the run. I used the grunt call and he ignored me, as he went to the other side of the tree so I had to change directions grunt called again. He stops!!! Crossbow in hand aim fire!!!! He wobbles and runs 75 yard's. Blessed!
Craig Yohe
I served 24 years in the United States Marine Corp. I enjoy hunting, fishing and spending time with family and friends. This deer was killed during bow season Thursday Nov 7th 2024 in Marion County. Scored 170.
Devan Orrill
This buck came off of family ground to end a 10 year - buckless drought for me. He has been around the ground for at least 3 years with trail camera pics each year. Quick hunt with him cruising through following a young buck and doe around.
Trevor Alexander
I decided to sit in a new stand for the first time since it was put up. Was not expecting to see much. There is a small pond next to the stand at around 6pm a couple small bucks came into the pond at 30 yards. They were watching intently behind them. Suddenly there was some small trees moving violently in the distance. I looked through my binoculars and saw this buck that we had several pictures of. He came to the pond and presented a perfect 30 yard shot. He only went about 70 yards and fell. This is my biggest buck I have harvested with a bow yet.
Jeannie Gunnels
I have many photos of this buck on my trail cams and refer to him as the unicorn buck. He was my pick for this season. On my second trip to the tree stand not thinking I would have an opportunity to even see him yet in the daylight, I rattled him in ! He originally was a twelve pointer but lost a small point this that week. So he is an 11! Thankful and Blessed!
Brianna Manahan
This is my first deer with a bow! He came out at 70 yards and finally came within 30 yards of me. When I pulled the bow back my heart was pounding and I was so nervous. As soon as I released I seen the arrow stay in him and he ran 40 yards. He stopped and I called my husband (who was farming) to tell him I hit one. What seemed like forever he finally took a few steps and dropped! I called my dad and was shaking so bad, it was true buck fever! He looked like an 8 pointer when I shot but when I got to him he turned out to be a 9 pointer with a kicker on the bottom left!
Brandon Buchanan
I have been hunting for the last 5 years, and I made the mistake of head hunting. I have never killed a deer ever until this year. Opening day I went and sat in the deer stand at about 2:30 pm, about 5:30 pm this 8 pointer came walking down the trail. He got within 30 yards of me and i took my shot. He ran about 40 yards if that and was down in the thick it. Great hunt.