Tracy with the Walk to End Alzheimer's was in studio on Big Jake's show Tuesday to talk about the upcoming walk in Centralia this Saturday, September 21st. Learn more, sign up, or donate at the link below!


Local businessmen, civic leaders, and others will prepare their favorite dishes and compete for their chance to win a Golden Skillet. Chefs will face off in a fun filled evening where guest are able to sample a variety of foods from different categories, so bring your appetite and tip money for your favorite chef so they can take home the People's Choice Golden Skillet!

5:00 - Doors Open

5:30 - Program Begins

6:00 - Serving Begins

7:00 - Silent auction closes, Live auction begins

7:45 - Chef and Auction winners announced



$500/table of 10

Call the CASA office at 618-204-5453 for more information or to purchase tickets.

New this year, tickets can be purchased through Venmo!!

Venmo: @JeffCoCasa

Please include "Men Cooking Tickets" and your name in the note so that we can hold your tickets. Tickets are $50 each or $500 to reserve a table of 10.


More information via the flyer below. This year, the Mt. Vernon Township High School FFA are also working with current and former FFA members to collect livestock supplies to send to those affected by the recent hurricanes. If you would like to donate, MVTHS FFA will be collecting items the same time as the scholarship BBQ. Hope to see you there!


Dale from RHHD and Kevin from Sleep in Heavenly Peace joined Big Jake's show this morning to discuss an upcoming bed-build event at the dealership. SHP is an organization that builds and delivers beds to children ages 3-17 who don’t have one. Their current coverage area covers Marion, Clinton, and Jefferson counties in Southern Illinois. Check out their Facebook page or for more information. 
