Dee DeMoss with the Nashville Illinois Chamber of Commerce was in studio to talk about upcoming events in Nashville. Get all the details here...
Dee DeMoss with the Nashville Illinois Chamber of Commerce was in studio to talk about upcoming events in Nashville. Get all the details here...
Natalie Shook with the United Way of South Central Illinois was in studio on the Morning Show to talk about the 3 new programs UWSCI is offering. The United We Give, United We Read and the Hunting Program. Also, Trivia Night is coming up Saturday, November 23rd, get all the details here.
Wendi with BCMW Community Services, as administrator of the Energy Assistance Program Bond, Clinton, Marion, and Washington is pleased to announce that funds are available to assist income-eligible households with their natural gas, propane and/or electric bills and furnace assistance for inoperable heating systems.
The program will begin taking applications on October 1, 2024 for older adults (60 years +), individuals with a disability , families with children age 5 or under and households that are disconnected from their utilities, have a disconnection notice or have less than 25% in their propane tank. All other income eligible households can start applying November 1, 2024.
Applications will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis through August 15, 2025, or until funding is exhausted. Households that receive a one-time benefit may return during the program year for a Reconnection Assistance or Furnace Assistance benefit(s), if needed.
Households must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty level to receive a benefit from LIHEAP. The 30-day income guidelines for LIHEAP are based on Federal Poverty Guidelines, State Median Income and the number of persons living in the household. The income guidelines are as follows: 1- $2,510, 2- $3,407, 3- $4,303, 4- $5,200. Go to or to know income limits for households with 5 members and more.
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides one-time benefits to income eligible homeowners and renters to help with energy bills and for reconnection of energy service. Propane customers who are part of the priority group are encouraged to apply when the program opens in October. Propane prices typically increase during the winter months so by applying early propane customers will see their LIHEAP benefit go further.
Applications will be taken at 909 E Rexford, Centralia IL and
To submit an application, you MUST submit ALL documentation required:
Beginning October 1, 2024 income eligible LIHEAP customers of Ameren Illinois will receive a monthly discount on their natural gas bill through the new Low Income Discount Rates. Visit or to know more details.
Please call BCMW Community Action Agency at 618-532-7388 for outreach locations and schedules, and for information on what documents are needed to apply and different ways to submit your application.
Hear our presenting sponsors, Tony Wielt from State Farm and Sandy Sinnett with Heritage Woods of Mt. Vernon announce this year's Letters of Thanksgiving winners in Kindergarten - 4th & 5th-8th grades.