
American Red Cross Illinois says blood donations are desperately needed as the country faces its most severe blood supply shortage in 20 years.

Officials report the number of blood donors has fallen by 40% over the past couple of decades. They add that the number of blood donations in recent weeks have been given to hospitals faster than they are coming in.

Between Christmas and New Year’s Day, Red Cross officials said there was a nearly 7,000-unit shortfall when it came to blood donations.

You can give locally at upcoming Blood Drives. The Bluford High School Beta Club is holding a community blood drive from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today in the Bluford Elementary School Gym. Then on Friday the Mt. Vernon FUMC will hold a blood drive from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Mt. Vernon FUMC at the southeast entrance. And on Monday, Salem Grace UMC will hold a blood drive, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Salem Grace UMC gym MC Southeast entrance.

If you donate at a Red Cross blood drive this month you’ll be entered for a chance to win a trip for two to the Super Bowl in Las Vegas.