
CENTRALIA — A 45-year-old Centralia man is being held in the Marion County Jail under the provisions of Illinois’ new pretrial release law.

According to Centralia Police, Christopher Ramey was arrested Friday for an alleged violation of his previous release conditions on a domestic battery arrest.

At the time of his earlier court hearing, Judge Chad Miller advised Ramey that a violation of his pretrial release conditions could result in him being held for 90 days in the Marion County Jail without bond.

The condition of his release included having no contact with the alleged victim or her residence.

Then on Friday, a Centralia Police officer was reportedly passing the alleged victim’s home on East 6th and spotted Ramey’s truck parked on the street and Ramey standing in the driveway.

Officers reported that when approached by police, Ramey didn’t stop, got into his vehicle and drove off. They say he stopped for police about 50 feet away and denied being at the house.

He was subsequently taken into custody.