
JEFFERSON COUNTY — Jefferson County residents are being reminded of an area known as “No Man’s Land,” where certain rules apply when the Jefferson County Fire Protection District responds to fires in that area.

According to a post from the Protection District, residents in Shiloh Township Sections 32 and 33, McClellan Township Sections 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 15, Pendleton Township Sections 21 through 28, as well as 33 through 36, and all of Moores Prairie Township do not pay taxes for Fire Protection.

Prior to 2018, a fire department did not have to respond to those areas unless it was a school, church, or reported as someone trapped inside a burning structure.

JFPD has been assigned to these areas to respond to emergencies and fires, which the post says, means when you call 911 for an emergency or fire you will be billed for services rendered.

By law and by ordinance, the district may charge up to $250 for one truck per hour and $70 per firefighter per hour. This post adds that most insurance companies will likely only cover $500 to $1000 of this cost, and residents will be responsible for the rest.

JFPD has over the last year signed Fire Protection Agreements and annexed more than 40 residents in these areas. Fire Protection Agreement rates are based on a person’s net taxable on their tax bill.
An example given in the post lists $10,000 net taxable times JFPD’s rate given would equal $39.67 per $10,000.

If you are unsure if you have Fire Protection, look at your tax bill in the itemized area, it will list a Fire Protection District that you pay. If you do not see one, you do not have Fire Protection.

For residents who live within the Village of Belle Rive limits, JFPD has a Joint Intergovernmental Agreement with the village.

For more information, people may call the Jefferson Fire Protection District at 618-244-3824.