(FAIRFIELD, IL) — Teams from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency continue their two-state search for a missing steel canister containing radioactive material. Wayne County Well Servicing Inc. reported the device missing a week ago. The search has spanned across Clay, Cumberland, Edwards, Effingham, Franklin, Hamilton, Jasper, Jefferson, Macon, Marion, Moultrie, Richland, Shelby, Wabash, Wayne and White counties in Illinois and Gibson and Pike counties in Indiana. The radioactive well logging source holder is silver in color 12 inches high, 14 inches in diameter and weighs 75 lbs. Anyone who finds the locked steel canister should contact their local authorities.

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(FAIRFIELD, IL) — Teams from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency continue their two-state search for a missing steel canister containing radioactive material. Wayne County Well Servicing Inc. reported the device missing a week ago. The search has spanned across Clay, Cumberland, Edwards, Effingham, Franklin, Hamilton, Jasper, Jefferson, Macon, Marion, Moultrie, Richland, Shelby, Wabash, Wayne and White counties in Illinois and Gibson and Pike counties in Indiana. The radioactive well logging source holder is silver in color 12 inches high, 14 inches in diameter and weighs 75 lbs. Anyone who finds the locked steel canister should contact their local authorities.

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