SALEM, IL — A downtown Salem institution will once again open its doors this summer to foodies as well as good-time seekers. The ABC Pub was bought by the Quandt family in the 1970s and has been under the care of at least a single member of that family until June of 2020. Brandy and Dug Drenckpohl bought the pub from Tracy Quandt, the wife of the late Rich Quandt who friends of the ABC knew best as the man who stood tall with a towel over his shoulder tending to the grill for decades.

Dug Drenckphol says, like most people, he had a personal attachment to the pub as well as the family running it.

Brandy Drenckpohl, a Salem native, on what you can expect when walking into the new and improved ABC.

The Drenckphol’s are targeting May 4th as their opening date this year. You can see some photos of the ABC during it’s remodel process below.