SOUTHERN ILLINOIS — The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson announced Tuesday that Public Housing Authorities in Illinois will receive nearly $22 million to help keep low-income families houses during the coronavirus pandemic.

The money comes from $472 million nationally in CARES Act funding.

Several local housing authorities will be receiving funding. The Williamson County Housing Authority in Carterville will receive $13,517. The Jackson County Housing Authority in Murphysboro will see $58,816. The Mt. Vernon Housing Authority will receive $7,369 while the Jefferson County Housing Authority is getting $11,201. The City of Marion’s Housing Authority will get $22,130. The Saline County Housing Authority will get $11,644. The Franklin County Housing Authority will see $7,903.

This funding can be used by public housing authorities throughout Illinois to help families assisted by Housing Choice Vouchers and Mainstream vouchers prevent, prepare for and respond to the coronavirus.