JEFFERSON COUNTY, IL — The Health Department has been notified offive additional positive cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours in Jefferson County residents. These new cases all reside in the same household where they are in isolation.
To date there have been 97 lab-confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Jefferson County. Fourteen of these haveresulted in deaths. Seventy-one of the positive cases havenow been released from isolation. Twelve are in isolation.Jefferson County has a total of 717 negative test results as of this morning.
Jefferson County Health Department continues to investigate each case ensuring the isolation of the positive patient. In addition, the Health Department places closecontacts that have had exposure to the positive patient on quarantine for a minimum of 14 days. This would allowsymptoms to develop and pass without posing risk to others. If you are contacted by public health officials,please respond promptly.
Public Health officials expect more positive cases to be confirmed locally. The number of cases can be reduced by adhering to the stay at home order, washing hands frequently, disinfecting commonly touched surfaces, and maintaining space of at least six feet from others.
Refer to trusted sources for information including our Facebook page, Illinois Department of Public Health, and CDC.