MCLEANSBORO — The McLeansboro City Council approved $113,000 in city street repairs for the 2020 road repair season at Wednesday night’s meeting.

The money will come from the state’s allotment of motor fuel tax money, and more projects could be added with city council approval at a later date. City council member Dale Biggerstaff said he’d like to see the city to do more roadwork this year.

Also at Wednesday’s meeting, this council approved a bid for $3,800 to demolish a vacant home in the 300 block of South Marshall if the home isn’t torn down before April 1. The city also approved seeking three summer employees for the city pool to run concessions, and approved an ordinance regarding net metering and allowing homes to put back up to 20 kw/h of energy back into the system if they install clean energy like solar panels on their property.

Some issues, including bids for summer mowing and what will be done with city hall, were tabled to their next meeting, scheduled for April 14th at 6 p.m. at McLeansboro City Hall.