(WEST FRANKFORT, IL) — West Frankfort will hold its City-wide Cleanup on Saturday, April 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. According to the event’s Facebook page, volunteers should meet at the West Frankfort Aquatic Center on the day of the cleanup in the city park. Groups are dispatched to various “quadrants” of West Frankfort to begin cleanup of the city. You will be treated to a free hamburger lunch, a free swim at the Aquatic Center and a free t-shirt. There will be plenty of prizes and gifts handed out. Organizers say if you can’t participate that day, then you can make a donation like supplies for the event, a monetary donation or something to raffle that day. Donations need to be dropped off at Simple Solutions by Friday, April 17. For more information on how you can help, call 932-6177.

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