CENTRALIA — Centralia firefighters were called to a house fire at 120 W. Kell around 10:45 p.m. Thursday night and found a utility room at the back of the home fully engulfed upon their arrival.
Quick response and work by the initial first responders knocked the fire down before it could get a start on the main part of the house, even though the roof had already started caving in on the utility room.
Some damage was also done to where the utility room attached to the main part of the house which received smoke and some water damage.
All available off-duty firefighters were called in to help, the Centralia FPD was called for mutual aid at the scene while Sandoval was called to man the main fire station downtown.
Life Star Ambulance stood by at the scene in the event of any injuries, and units from Centralia ESDA blocked access to the area so fire crews could work.
The fire is believed to have started around space heaters in the utility room.