MCLEANSBORO — The McLeansboro City Council Tuesday night approved an expenditure of $270,000 to renovate City Hall.

Plans call for converting the former fire station into a Council Meeting room, adding office space and changing the floor plan in the police department.

The council also accepted the $95,182 bid from Followell Construction of Marion, Illinois for construction of water mains and the $1,743,000 bid from Caldwell Tanks of Louisville, Kentucky for the construction of the new water tower and demolition of the old water tower.

Discussion regarding repairs to the Main and Market Street bridges was tabled.

The council gave authority to Zoning Administrator Pat Stevens to demolish structures at 609 E. O’Henry St. for $3,200 and at 702 S. Hancock for $3,800.

The council authorized the expenditure of $30,000 to tuck-point McCoy Memorial Library. It also  approved the proposal from the Hamilton County Economic Development Commission to expend TIF monies for façade grants on the Square, established a late fee of $25 for all utility bills not paid by 4 p.m. on the 5th business day after the due date and approved a liquor license for Main Street Café on West Main Street. The council also set Oct. 31 for the city-wide trick-or-treat from 6 to 8 p.m.

The council accepted the resignation of City Treasurer Sharon Ingram and expressed gratitude to Ingram for serving 22 years as the city’s treasurer. It also appointed a committee to complete review of the 53 applications for the three city openings consisting of Aldermen Dale Biggerstaff, Tom Maulding, Billy Glenn and Superintendents Windell Bowman and Scott Schuster.