MT. VERNON — The Benton City Council will meet tonight at 6 at City Hall.

This will be the first city council meeting since the new council was sworn-in to office on May 6.

The council is set to discuss with possible approval an ordinance for backflow preventers, lake lot lease transfers, uniforms for the water and sewer departments, purchasing squad vehicles for the police department, establishing an emergency heating and cooling center and appointing a public works director.

In the mayor’s report, the council will discuss with possible approval appointing a city clerk, city attorney, city engineer, extending an airport employee contract, approving Sunday hours liquor licenses, approving gaming parlor liquor licenses, approving an electric supply agreement with AGE, the mosquito abatement project, rezoning 1501 Oliver Street from R5 to R3, a special use permit to place a modular home at 1501 Oliver Street and the annexation of two parcels on Oliver Street and an agreement for Oliver Street.

A public hearing regarding the items for Oliver Street will be held at 5:45 Monday night at City Hall.