WEST FRANKFORT — The West Frankfort City Council accepted Police Chief Mike Irwin’s retirement at Tuesday night’s meeting.

Irwin, who retired Tuesday, was named Police Chief in late 2016 replacing Shawn Talutto.

The council named John Prudent as Acting Chief until all appointments are made with the new council at the May 14 City Council meeting.

According to City Clerk Angie Baker Deaton, it is assumed the council will approve Prudent as Police Chief at that meeting.

In other business, Union Funeral Home received approval for a TIF agreement of $5,800 for repairs to an existing sign in front of their building.

As for an agreement with Quest Fitness for a tax increment financing agreement for certain property located in the city, Deaton says Quest Fitness was basically just correcting previous paperwork with a new corporate name. Quest Fitness is obtaining a loan from the Small Business Administration and they required that the agreement be placed under a limited liability corporation.