MCLEANSBORO — The McLeansboro City Council Tuesday night unanimously passed a request from the Economic Development Commission to enter into an intergovernmental agreement between the city, Hamilton County, Fairfield and Wayne County to establish and enterprise zone in McLeansboro.
Council members also passed a resolution authorizing the purchase of natural gas from PEFA, Inc, and amended the utility natural gas agreement.
In other business, the council voted to join Sourcewell/NJPA, a no membership fee governmental purchasing/leasing cooperative, in an effort to locate an auger truck for the electric department.
The Council amended the City Code to change the reporting deadline for sexual harassment from 180 to 300 days
Christmas bonuses in the amounts of $175.00 were approved for all full time City employees and qualifying volunteer fire fighters.
The council also accepted the $1,800 bid from Kyle Poor for removal/demolition of the mobile home located at 405 Rowan Drive, pending receipt of title.