INA — The Rend Lake College Board of Trustees adopted the budget for fiscal year 2018 in Tuesday night’s meeting. The board also accepted the 2017 tax levy which is payable in 2018.

The corporate and special purposes levy went from $3,379,083 in 2016 to $3,547,797 in 2017, an increase of 4.99 percent. The debt service levy went from $2,901,908 in 2016 to $3,117,676 in 2017, an increase of 7.44 percent. Because the corporate and special purposes levy is not greater than 105 percent of last year’s levy, no Truth in Taxation hearing is required.

A memorandum between RLC and Southeastern Illinois College was also approved. The memorandum addresses the details of the contractual relationship between RLC and SIC for operations and maintenance labor.

Permission was also granted to seek bids for a complete replacement of the PoolPac in the Aquatics Center. The Rend Lake College Foundation will fund the project, which is estimated at $375,000. The bids will include the unit, installation and commissioning.

In other business, the board also:
– Approved an articulation agreement with the University of Southern Indiana.
– Accepted the resignation  of Mary Cornette as Executive Assistant to the President and appointed Cathy DeJarnette to the position.
– Approved changes to 29 courses.
– Appointed Sawyer Nichols as a Police Officer, effective Sept. 18.
– Heard a report on the college’s accreditation which is due for evaluation by the Higher Learning Commission in a year.
– Heard a report from Dr. Elizabeth Bailey-Smith of the Academic Council covering the curriculum matters taken up by the board Tuesday and reporting on additional meetings and activities.
– Created and approved a job description for a Communications Specialist for Student Services.
– Approved revisions to board policy concerning tenured/tenure-track faculty and staff seniority list and travel reimbursement.