McLEANSBORO — Hamilton County is cracking down on how you should be dressed when you come to court.

A new dress code for appearance in the county courtroom went into effect Tuesday according to the Hamilton County Sheriff Robert Crow.

It says tank top type t-shirts (A shirts), any type of head covering (except for religious or medical necessities), athletic type shorts, cut off shirts and any clothing that is deemed revealing or offensive will not be allowed.

Crow says they have noticed an increasing number of people entering the courtroom with inappropriate dress, so this new dress code was approved by the resident judge and chief judge. He says it is pretty liberal. Most counties completely bar shorts of any kind, tank tops, head wear and offensive or revealing clothes.

Crow is not saying you have to wear dress clothes by any means. But, he says people should afford the court the appropriate respect.

Crow says any violation of this dress code will result in you being told to leave and return when you are properly dressed.