(MT. VERNON, IL) — The Mt. Vernon City Council is scheduled to meet this evening at 7 p.m. Among items on the agenda, the council will hear bid results for HVAC and electrical improvements as well as roof replacement project for City Hall and for the Richview road resurfacing project. The City Manager will provide a capital projects report, request permission to seek bids for the Chesley Industrial Park Road project, request permission for closure of 9thStreet from Casey Avenue to Broadway and from Harrison Street to Main Street on August 18th and 19th for Ash Bash, for closure of North Street from 10th to 11th Street on August 5th for A Hand Up Summit and request permission to enter into an agreement with Azavar Government Solutions for audit of local government resources. The City Attorney will motion to reconsider a second reading of an ordinance amendment for a restaurant liquor license for Funblasters, and give a second reading of an ordinance prohibiting parking of motor vehicles on Harlan Road. Finally, the Mayor will submit for approval the appointment of Marty Cox to the Mt. Vernon Airport Authority Board, replacing Joe Bob Pierce. The meeting will be held at the Rolland W. Lewis Community Building.