(CENTRALIA, IL) — The landowner awards committee of the 28th annual Centralia Balloon Fest has announced that a total of $500 in Schnucks Gift Cards will be awarded landowners this year. Balloon Fest will be held Friday through Sunday, August 18, 19, 20 in Foundation Park, located on the east edge of Centralia off State Route 161. Balloon Fest 2017 will award $100 Schnucks Gift Cards to five lucky landowners whose names are drawn at the conclusion of the Balloon Fest. Only landowners whose property is used for random landings by balloonists participating in Balloon Fest 2017 will be eligible. The awards are sponsored by Schnucks. A white sheet on property is a universal welcome signal for balloonists to land on that property. Also, any open, uncultivated land away from livestock and other animals is considered acceptable for landing, unless pilots are notified to avoid by the landowner or renter. The Chamber office also needs to hear from landowners or renters who do not want balloons to land on their property. Those individuals should call the Centralia Chamber of Commerce office at 532-6789 prior to August 11th with property descriptions including county, township, range, section, etc. Area maps will be developed outlining areas for balloon pilots to avoid as landing sites. Spectators are urged to respect the rights of landowners when following balloons both flying and landing, and to avoid traffic congestion that might damage property or delay crews from assisting downed balloons.