(MT. VERNON, IL) — The Mt. Vernon Township High School Board of Education met Tuesday evening in front of a large crowd in the high school cafeteria. Among items on their agenda, the Board voted to return the role of athletic director to the administrative team for the 2017-2018 school year after miscommunication regarding when the board would remove the role from the administration team and the subsequent public outcry that current Athletic Director Doug Creel would be removed during his time of service. The board also received public input over discrepancies in reporting of testing scores and in the reporting of funding for the school facilities. Multiple speakers argued for more transparency, honesty, and straight-forward reporting of school business.  Board members argued that due to fluctuation of numbers at any given time due to bonds, a definitive number for the costs of items regarding the school construction could not be given.  In other business, the board reviewed administrative reports, received reports from the finance and building committees, reviewed consent agenda action items accrued since the January meeting including the second reading and adoption of policy updates and resignations, action items that include field trips, the 2017-2018 school calendar, 2017-2018 administrative positions, substitute pay, and employment of personnel.