MT. VERNON – Two Centralia men were recently arrested after Jefferson County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a burglary at Colonel Pete’s Storage on North Illinois 37 in Mt. Vernon Sunday.
According to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, deputies responded to the burglary at about 1 p.m. and discovered multiple storage units had been burglarized and initiated an investigation. Sheriff’s detectives were contacted to assist. Evidence was discovered at the scene that provided leads to a possible suspect.
Then on Wednesday, sheriff’s detectives developed enough evidence to arrest 35-year-old Jedidiah L. Cody of Centralia for two counts of burglary. This also led to the arrest of 41-year-old Anthony D. Winkler of Centralia for one count of theft. The investigation also led detectives to discover additional burglaries and thefts, plus recovery of stolen property. Winkler was cited and released. Cody was lodged in the Jefferson County Jail where he will be held until his pre-trial detention hearing.