Multiple fire departments in our listening area will be recipients of the 2024 Small Equipment Grant Program.
According to the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal, a total of $4 million was awarded to 165 fire departments/districts and EMS providers across the state.
In Clay County, the Xenia Fire Protection District will receive $26,000; in Clinton County, Hoffman and St. Rose Fire Protection Districts will each receive $26,000, while Huey-Ferrin-Boulder Fire Protection will receive just under $14,000.
In Jefferson County, Woodlawn Fire Protection District will receive $25,500, and Waltonville Fire Protection will receive more than $24,000.
The Kell Community Fire Protection District and Iuka Fire Protection District in Marion County will each receive $26,000 and Addieville Community Fire Protection District in Washington County will receive nearly $26,000.
Most Illinois fire departments, fire protections districts, township fire departments, and stand-alone, nonprofit ambulance service providers were eligible to apply.
All fire departments, fire protections districts and township fire department applicants were required to have participated in the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) for a minimum of two years prior to applying.