CENTRALIA — First responders rescued a bedridden man trapped inside a burning home in Wamac Tuesday night.
According to Centralia Fire Chief Jeff Day, they received a call just after 10 p.m. Tuesday night of a structure fire with possible entrapment at 1112 Bond. Day says two Centralia police officers arrived on the scene before firefighters arrived. The police officers made entry into the home and were able to move him to a safer location inside the home.
The man’s sister was reportedly able to escape the home and call 9-1-1. She met the police officers outside when they arrived and directed them to where her brother could be found.
Day says flames could be seen coming from the kitchen window of the home when firefighters arrived a short time later. They quickly entered the home where they and police officers Trent Ripperda and Nolan Beggs helped them to bring the man outside to safety. The man and both officers were ultimately taken to SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital in Centralia for treatment of smoke inhalation.
The State Fire Marshall’s Office was called to investigate the cause of the fire. Only one door to the home was accessible, as a second door had been boarded over.
All available Centralia City firefighters were called out, along with mutual aid from Centralia Fire Protection District at the scene and Sandoval Fire at the station.