SALEM — The City of Salem Public Works Department has announced the City Wide Clean Up will begin Monday, October 16.
The City’s residential trash hauler will pick up an amount equal to one pickup truckload of standard household items set at the curb on your normal trash day during that week ONLY. Each residential customer will be allowed only one pickup during this week.
Acceptable items include white goods, couches, bedding, and other furniture. A limit of four large items will be picked up at a location. Large items include sofas, mattresses, box springs, etc.
Items that CANNOT be picked up include insulation, paint or chemical cans, any asbestos product, electronics, construction or remodel debris of any sort, and car parts, including tires, batteries, and auto body parts.
Items of questionable or unknown content will be left. Absolutely no items can be taken which were not from a source within the City Limits.
Residents are asked not to park in front of pickup areas. Items that are not easily accessible will be left and it will be the responsibility of the resident placing the item at the curb to have it removed.