SALEM — Salem police are addressing a problem that has developed over the past several years.
According to Sergeant Blake Phillips, just prior to the Little Egypt Parade a “bottleneck” had developed along the official detour route on Spillway Road at G.A.R. Drive between the softball field and the reservoir.
Because of a lack of a specific area for parents and others to drop off parade float riders and participants, many were stopping on Spillway Road to make these drop-offs.
Police sa this action created a serious traffic hazard to those being dropped off, as well as creating an additional delay in detour traffic.
In response to this problem, a drop-off site has been established in the circle drive leading to the Salem Water Treatment Facility immediately west of the Men’s Ball Diamond in Bryan Memorial Park.
Sergeant Phillips says this area provides a convenient loop drive, where parents and others can drop off participants in a relatively safe location, and at the same time not hinder the detour traffic.
Drivers who stop along Spillway Road to drop off participants will be cited on parade day.