MONTGOMERY COUNTY — Interstate 55 was shut down Monday for about 30 miles in both directions, due to a multi-vehicle wreck with injuries that left behind miles of wrecked and burned-out vehicles south of Springfield.
According to Illinois State Police, a dust storm was reported in the area at the time of the wreck and visibility was reported to be low due to the blowing dust.
ISP said the interstate was shut down just before 11 a.m. Monday just north of Farmersville in Montgomery County.
Approximately 20 commercial motor vehicles and 40 to 60 passenger cars were involved. This includes two truck-tractor semi-trailers that caught fire as a result of the crashes.
ISP said Monday afternoon they had received reports of more than 30 people being transported to the hospital and multiple fatalities.
Divernon City Hall was used as a reunification post for families of people involved in the crash, ISP said.
The National Weather Service reported Monday that visibility was less than a quarter of a mile in that area and became zero at times.
If, when you’re driving, you encounter blowing dust on the roadway or see it approaching, pull off the road as far as possible.