MARION COUNTY, IL — After several hours of hearing arguments Friday in the case to decide the outcome of the 2019 Centralia mayoral race, Judge Kimbara Harrell took the case under advisement saying she would enter a decision Monday on how to proceed in the case. Her decision will come just two weeks before the consolidated election that pits the plaintiff Bryan Kuder against the man appointed to replace him in the Centralia Mayor’s seat after the City Council voted to vacate his 2019 election victory.

Kuder filed the case just weeks after the majority of Centralia voters elected him to the seat in the April 2019 race. Then-city manager Dan Ramey brought information to the City Council claiming Kuder was ineligible to serve as he did not live within the city limits. Despite Kuder providing proof of living in an apartment within the city limits, the city council chose to vacate Kuder’s election and later appointed Herb Williams to serve as mayor.

Kuder then filed suit in Marion County Court seeking a judgment declaring him the duly elected and qualified Mayor of Centralia.