CENTRALIA, IL — Centralia police officers evacuated nearly 30 homes around 12:30 Monday morning on the city’s southeast side, after an Ameren natural gas pressure relief valve failed and gas began leaking.
A spokesperson from Ameren commented that the relief valve is designed to work in such a way that when something in the gas line malfunctions and too much pressure builds up, it releases that pressure through the relief valve. In doing so, the valve is supposed to prevent too much gas pressure from being delivered to homes.
Officers from Centralia PD, along with Central City and Wamac police departments and Marion County Sheriff’s deputies went door to door on Jonquil, Holly, and portions of South Perrine as well as 14th Street notifying residents of the situation and urging them to leave their homes. Centralia Fire Department was on standby in case the situation escalated before Ameren could arrive and fix the issue.
The residents were able to return to their homes around 3 a.m. after Ameren crews repaired the problem. No other issues were reported.