MT. VERNON, IL — The City Council approved an amendment to an ordinance involving shipping containers and any sort of storage item at Monday’s meeting. The ordinance reads that no one shall use any motor vehicle, truck, van, mobile home, trailer, recreational vehicle, bus body or similar prefabricated item originally built for purposes other than storage of good and materials for the purpose of storage of goods or materials.
Councilman Donte Moore says this decision was brought to the council months ago and then tabled to do further research as well as address challenges. He says some citizens he’s talked to say the city is being “petty”.
The motion passed 3-2 with Councilmen Botch and Young voting ‘no’.
Any individual with a building container are encouraged to go through the permit process by calling City Hall at 618-242-5000, before December 1st. You can see a full copy of the final ordinance at the link here: 10A Second reading of an ordinance amending Article 13 to add Section 13.17, and amending Article 21, Section 21-109 by adding a new Section 21-109.9 Shipping Containers.