WEST CITY — The West City Village Board will meet tonight at 6 at Village Hall.
Items on the agenda for discussion with possible approval include three sets of turn out gear for the fire department not to exceed $11,000, purchasing pagers and radio not to exceed $5,000, amending an ordinance for employees working a regular 12 hour shift and vacation pay for 12 hour shifts, changing the clothing allowance from the calendar year to the fiscal year, removing a person from the part-time panel at WCPD; act on new drug laws, GPS for vehicles, access road and adding a liquor/gaming license.
The board will also look at asphalting roads, act on the motor fuel tax plan for the rest of the year, repairing the manhole on North Central Street, purchasing playground equipment, disposing of the first responder vehicle and other surplus equipment, possible act on appropriations ordinance from the first Monday of May 2019 ending the first Monday in 2020, act on properties not being maintained, purchasing a utility trailer and possibly act on the structure engineers report at the police department and community center.
The meeting is open to the public.