MT. VERNON — The Mt. Vernon City Council voted to table a resolution to enter an agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management to aid in managing the city’s vehicle fleet at Monday night’s meeting. The issue was pushed off to the next city council meeting to allow local dealerships to put together a competing package.
The city is currently looking to replace 41 aging vehicles. Research done by city officials in 2016 showed that the city needed to invest about $6 million to get its fleet to good condition at the time. The agreement would allow the city to lease vehicles to replace those vehicles, speeding up the small investments the city has made in recent years to replace aging vehicles.
Local car dealer owner Roy Schmidt opened Monday’s meeting by calling on the city to allow local dealers to put together a comparable package, saying he only found out the city was looking at the agreement with Enterprise Monday morning. The council voted unanimously to table the project until the next meeting.
In other business, the city council voted to allow the city manager to seek bids for scheduled sidewalk replacement projects for 2019-20 and for road repair work on S. Davidson Ave. and Potomac Blvd.
The council meets again on Monday, June 3rd at the Rolland Lewis Building at Veteran’s Park.