Senate Republicans on Wednesday blocked a vote on a resolution that would have allowed the Senate to intervene in a federal lawsuit against ObamaCare. The lawsuit by the state of Maryland seeks to preserve the Obamacare law in a case that also challenges Trump’s appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general.

At the hearing, a lawsuit by Democratic Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh asks U.S. District Judge Ellen Hollander to declare Obamacare constitutional and to find that Whitaker was unlawfully appointed. Trump’s administration has worked to undermine Obamacare after Congress failed in a Republican effort to repeal the law.

Democrats asked for unanimous consent to authorize the Senate legal counsel to defend ObamaCare in court after a district judge in Texas declared the entire law unconstitutional last week. House Democrats have said they will vote to intervene in the lawsuit once they assume the majority in January.

Obamacare court ruling promises headaches for GOP, years of familiar health care fights
