MARION COUNTY — A local judge has been appointed to a newly formed Supreme Court Committee on Juvenile Courts.
Chief Justice Lloyd A. Karmeier announced Thursday that Honorable Ericka Sanders, of Marion County, is one of 16 judges from across Illinois named to the committee.
Justice Rita B. Garman said the members of the committee will work to develop curricula for the continuing professional education not only of judges, but also of guardians ad litem, probation officers, and all members of the judicial branch whose work impacts juvenile justice.
One of the important roles of the Special Committee will be to integrate its work with that of the Illinois Judicial College to ensure that our juvenile justices system operates with the most current, most effective, and most just practices.”
The Committee is comprised of judges assigned to hear juvenile delinquency or child protection cases throughout the state and includes a representative from the Appellate Court and judicial members from the relevant IJC Committees.