MT. VERNON — Nearly 9 inches of rain was recorded in Salem, while 10 inches is being reported out of Mt. Vernon.
Police, deputies, and firefighters are being lauded across the area for their rescues and evacuations of people affected by flooding.
Residents in northeast Mt. Vernon were hardest hit by floodwaters Saturday, with many rescues and evacuations being done by boat.
The American Red Cross disaster assessment coordinator will be conducting a disaster assessment Monday in coordination with the City of Mt. Vernon and Jefferson County EMA. They’ll also be handing out clean-up kits to anyone that might need them.
The EMA team will also be collecting damage data from the area to send to IEMA as required. Those conducting the survey will have identification credentials with them and will not be soliciting any products.
Residents of the Starlight Mobile Home Park in Salem were also evacuated from their homes Saturday as floodwaters rose around their homes.