Idris Elba has launched his own record label and unveiled his first signing as a music executive. The actor, who often moonlights as a DJ when not on set, announced he is founding his label, 7Wallace Music on Tuesday, July 3.  7Wallace takes its name from an address Elba once lived at in London. Idris also announced the first act signed to 7Wallace as French-Cameroonian artist James BKS. James, who has worked as a producer with Diddy and Talib Kweli, releases his debut single, “Kwlele”, on July 13. Idris took up DJing in his youth, and in addition to playing club nights has appeared at Glastonbury and as an opening act for Madonna. He has also featured on records by acts Jay-Z, Mr Hudson and Macklemore. The actor has released two of his own albums, the last of which was inspired by his role as TV detective John Luther and debuted in 2015.

Idris Elba Launches 7Wallace Record Label


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