Five people were injured in a crash Friday at the intersection of Tonti and Hoots Chapel Road just northwest of Salem.
According to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, a van driven by 36-year-old Laurie Ward of Shattuc was traveling westbound on Tonti Road when she missed the stop sign at the Hoots Chapel Road intersection and struck the side of a southbound pickup truck on Hoots Chapel Road driven by 41-year-old Sherri Ellsworth of Patoka.
Both drivers, as well as passengers in both vehicles, were transported to Salem Township Hospital. There was one passenger, Thatcher Ward of Shattuc, in the Ward vehicle.
There were two passengers, 16-year-old Jeremy Smith and 15-year-old David Ellsworth of Patoka, in the Ellsworth vehicle.
Deputies say at least one of those injured, Thatcher Ward, was airlifted to a St. Louis Hospital for treatment.
The Salem Fire Protection District was called to assist in getting the injured out of the vehicles. One door was stuck and had to be forced open, but deputies say there was no entrapment.
The crash occurred at 5:29 Friday night.