(MT. VERNON, IL) — The Mt. Vernon City Council would like to announce that there will be a committee meeting and a council workshop this week.  The Public Utilities Committee will meet this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. at Municipal West Building at 200 Potomac Boulevard. Among items on the agenda for this meeting, the Committee will hear addresses from the audience, give updates on proposals for the sewer system and water system studies, and water modeling, engage in a discussion on meter testing and digital meter systems, and invite further addresses from the audience before retiring to executive session.  The City Council Workshop will be at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday at the Rolland W. Lewis Community Building.  Among items on the agenda for this meeting, the Council will hear addresses from the audience, review the remaining 2012 bond funds and project prioritization, engage in discussion on an ordinance regarding changes in liquor ordinances, engage in discussion on an ordinance regarding changes to zoning guidelines concerning mobile & manufactured homes, and invite further addresses from the audience before adjourning.