(PINCKNEYVILLE, IL) — The old Pinckneyville Community Hospital will be coming down. The city council there voted unanimously Monday to accept an ordinance between the City of Pinckneyville and the Pinckneyville Hospital District that calls for giving the city exclusive and only rights to support the tearing down of the property and first and only dibs at buying the property for $10,000. That’s according to a report by the Southern Illinoisan. The ordinance also calls for the city to contribute $290,000 for the demolition. That money will come from revenue from the city’s Tax Increment Financing district according to Pinckneyville Mayor Robert Spencer. The city will seek bids for the demolition work.  Before the vote, city resident George Culley – who runs the Least of the Brethren food pantry ministry in town – addressed the council saying he hoped the city would want to give or sell the property to his ministry to develop a soup kitchen. But city leaders told Culley they have no plans at this time for the property once demolition work is completed.