(CARLYLE, IL) — The nearly two-year budget standoff is hitting public schools in central and southern Illinois, as a lack of state funding is leaving school budgets in a deficit. According to parents in Carlyle, they’ve been informed that two physical education teachers at the junior high have been let go for budgetary reasons and teachers who retire this year will not be replaced. Frustrated parents and guardians plan to attend Wednesday night’s school board meeting to push for an alternate solution. In Taylorville the school district is seeking a property tax increase as the district faces a $1.8 million budgetary gap. The State Journal-Register reports the local school board approved about $1 million in cuts last month for the 2017-18 school year. Those cuts include eliminating several teaching and staff positions, scrapping extracurricular programs and canceling junior high, freshman and junior varsity athletics. And in Zeigler-Royalton, the school district’s Rainy Day funds have reportedly been depleted and it’s unclear at this time if the district will make payroll.