(CENTRALIA, IL) — The Kaskaskia College Records Office is announcing that March 1 is the deadline for all 2017 graduates to apply for Graduation. According to Jenna Lammers, Registrar, “All graduation applications should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than March 1 for students to qualify as a May graduate. Any application submitted after this date will be considered a Summer graduate.” Student must apply online through Campus net. This year’s graduation ceremony will be held at the main campus on Friday evening, May 12 at 7:30 p.m. This ceremony will recognize all students who graduated in December 2016, and who will graduate in May or July of 2017. Lammers says that representatives from Jostens will be on the main campus March 21 & 22 for graduates to order cap and gowns and that there is no charge to the student for participating in commencement or for the cap and gown. Students must have completed an online graduation application to be able to order from Jostens. If students cannot make it to campus, they can order online at www.jostens.com. For more information, contact Jenna Lammers at 545-3044 or 800 642-0859, Ext. 3044 or email jlammers@kaskaskia.edu.