Mt. Vernon, IL — The Downtown Mt. Vernon Development Corporation (DMDC) Board of Directors will host a Downtown Low-Down Public Forum where city representatives will explain the Broadway and Main Street Water Main Replacement Project. The forum will be held on Thursday, October 22 at 4:30 p.m. at the Kingdom Seed Ministries building, 118 South 9th Street. The program will include comments by City Manager Mary Ellen Bechtel and City Engineer Brad Ruble regarding the water main replacements followed by a question and answer period. The event is free to the public. The main purpose of the Downtown Low-Down is to give businesses in the vicinity of the project and the public an opportunity to learn about the water main replacements and when and where they will be taking place. Water main replacements are an important part of preserving community assets and the services to the residents and businesses of Mt. Vernon. Preserving all aspects of downtown is an important part of stimulating economic growth, improving the quality of life and making downtown a viable and active area where one would want to visit, shop, work and play. For more information contact Cyndy Mitchell at 242-6866 or