(MT. VERNON, IL) — Mt. Vernon City Council met Monday evening. The Council heard a progress report given by Johnathon Hallberg, Executive Director of the Jefferson County Development Corporation. Noteworthy developments for the city include new businesses at Times Square Mall and the adjacent strip center, ground breaking at the Holiday Inn Express, progress at the new high school and welcoming the Sears Center. John, along with 72 partners at the JCDC strive to bring economic and residential development to the King City. Detailed city demographics along with industrial and retail real estate profiles can be found online at the JCDC website. In other business at the meeting, the city attorney presented the following ordinances to the council: proposed annexation of property located at 1111 Veterans Memorial Drive. BLT properties request to connect to city water and sewer at no cost to the city; this ordinance was approved. Michel Fertilizer requests the city re-zone multiple lots surrounding the current business to I-2, General Industrial. This will allow expansion of equipment storage and a new office building to be built; this ordinance was approved. An ordinance granting conditional use for Menard, Inc. at property 12134 North Wells Bypass was also approved. Rodney Wekkin, Menards representative was present to share the plans for 7.5 acre development that will feature the home improvement store, garden center and lumberyard. Lastly, the city police use, as needed, the parking lot of the Trinity Episcopal Church. Heavy traffic has left the lot in need of repair. A resolution has been proposed and accepted by the city for continued joint use. The church has agreed to purchase the needed materials, and in turn the city will arrange to resurface the lot.